Beaverbrook School

Grades | Language(s) | No. of Students |
Kindergarten, 1-8 | English | 320 |
School Hours:
Kindergarten-2: 08:15 - 13:30
3-8: 08:15 - 14:30
Lunch Break:
Kindergarten-8: 12:15 - 12:50
1085 Mountain Road
Moncton, New Brunswick
E1C 2S9
School District:
Anglophone East School District
South West corner of Killam and Purdy, Including all of Purdy. All streets North and East of Killam to Churchill (Only West side), and South of Mountain Rd between Purdy and Killam. North on Mapleton (Including Westerly subdivision streets Fairlane, Arthur, Parkdale, Leeside, Walker and Windmere) to a point beyond Mapleton Place North on Churchill* to Kendra, West on Kendra including Cedar, Brun, North on Hopper to Mapleton Rd. and all streets in between all Churchill to Beaverbrook.